I believe self affirmations are key to growth. You attract what you truly believe and you mirror what you subconsciously suggest.
I get many questions as to what I personally use and advise clients to try. Not all affirmations apply to everyone, they should reflect what you are needing to work on. As I get to know my clients I suggest one specific to what they are trying to move past. I will suggest my top morning and evening affirmations for you. Hopefully one will resonate with you.
I encourage you to be authentic while affirming yourself. Raw truthful conversations can bring up emotions because sometimes we have to say things that we do not believe. YET, affirming yourself is all about changing a negative belief. Moving your thoughts from sabotaging to conserving, and from tearing yourself down to rebuilding.
Affirmations can lower anxiety, stress, and depression. Affirmations help improve self image, worth, and staying in a present state. When I am feeling spun out, affirmations in front of a mirror have become very important to me getting back to balance. Having a conversation with yourself is sometimes much more difficult than conflict with another human because so much of our conflict rests solely in our own minds.
There does not have to be a certain time or place to practice affirmations. I may be driving in the car and talking to myself out loud, looking in a mirror at home with tears running down my eyes, meditating, or trying to fall asleep. You just have to speak, no audience is needed. This is all about you.
My morning affirmations
I give you grace, you are human
I choose love
I love you
You are beautiful
I am calm and centered
I trust you
Evening affirmations
Today I did my best
I am grateful for today
I am calm and centered
I am whole on my own
You have everything you need
You have the power to change the negative thoughts running through your mind to positive ones - you just have to try. There is no better time to start than now.